ChatGPT Enterprise: Pricing, Uses and Alternatives

Maxwell Timothy

Maxwell Timothy

on Aug 4, 2024

13 min read

OpenAI developed ChatGPT Enterprise with one goal in mind: to supercharge businesses by using the power of AI.

They set out to make more than just your regular chatbot, and instead, they made what's essentially a sophisticated assistant designed to understand your customers, anticipate their needs, and boost the organization’s goals.

Why is ChatGPT Enterprise such a great buy for businesses today? Well, it combines advanced AI capabilities with practical features that are tailored to the business environment. As a business, you might need to automate, or at least make things easier and ChatGPT Enterprise is designed to help you do all that and more.

It's a favorite of industry leaders like PwC, Canva, Block, and Zapier, and if that isn't convincing enough, keep reading to find out more about Enterprise.

What is ChatGPT Enterprise?

ChatGPT Enterprise, introduced in 2023, is like the stronger, more business-savvy cousin of your regular ChatGPT. It aims squarely at meeting the needs of larger companies and organizations and is designed to provide major firepower for them to handle large-scale data.

Who exactly is it for? It's for big corporations, high-risk bustling enterprises, and virtually anyone who needs to manage massive amounts of data with finesse.

Quite impressively, ChatGPT Enterprise isn’t just about chatting (even though it excels at that too). For instance, if you need to sift through thousands and thousands of customer reviews to understand feedback trends, or derive actionable insights from heaps of sales data, it's able to work magic and pull through for you.

Features of ChatGPT Enterprise

ChatGPT Enterprise packs a punch with features tailored for large organizations. Let's explore what makes it stand out:

1. Enhanced Security and Privacy

ChatGPT Enterprise takes your data security seriously. It encrypts all your information end-to-end, both in transit and at rest, keeping it safe from prying eyes. The system meets SOC 2 compliance standards, ensuring top-notch security practices. OpenAI goes a step further by committing not to use your business data or conversations for model training, respecting your data ownership.

A new admin console puts you in control. You can easily manage your team, verify domains, and gain valuable usage insights. The robust access controls and audit logging features allow you to keep a close eye on system activities. With these tools at your fingertips, you can confidently deploy ChatGPT Enterprise across your organization.

2. Unlimited Access to GPT-4

Say goodbye to usage restrictions. ChatGPT Enterprise gives you unlimited access to GPT-4, and it does so at lightning speed. You'll get responses up to twice as fast as the standard version. The expanded 128k context window allows you to process inputs several times longer than before. This boost in capacity and speed can significantly ramp up your team's productivity, especially for those who rely heavily on AI assistance.

3. Advanced Data Analysis

ChatGPT Enterprise comes equipped with powerful data analysis capabilities, formerly known as Code Interpreter. This feature empowers both your tech gurus and non-technical team members to quickly analyze complex information. Whether you're crunching financial data, dissecting marketing surveys, or tackling intricate datasets, the system helps you uncover insights efficiently. It's like having a data scientist on call, ready to help your team make informed decisions.

4. Customization Options

Flexibility is key, and ChatGPT Enterprise delivers. You can create shared chat templates, allowing your team to collaborate and build workflows that fit your unique needs. Want to go further? The included API credits let you develop custom AI applications that seamlessly integrate with your existing systems. This level of customization ensures that ChatGPT Enterprise adapts to your organization, not the other way around.

5. Enterprise-Scale Deployment Tools

Rolling out new tech across a large organization can be daunting, but ChatGPT Enterprise makes it smoother. Features like domain verification and SSO integration ensure secure and hassle-free access for all authorized users. The platform also provides detailed usage insights, allowing you to monitor and optimize how your teams leverage this powerful tool. These features work together to help you implement ChatGPT Enterprise efficiently across your entire organization.

In a nutshell, ChatGPT Enterprise combines cutting-edge AI with robust security and enterprise-focused features. It's built to boost your organization's capabilities in data analysis, content creation, and process optimization. With its balance of power, security, and flexibility, ChatGPT Enterprise aims to be more than just a tool – it's designed to be a valuable asset in driving your organization forward.

ChatGPT Enterprise Pricing

Like other models in the GPT family, ChatGPT Enterprise runs on a subscription model, and it's geared towards large organizations that need top-notch security and full access to advanced AI like GPT-4.

Seeing as it offers double the amount of features, it's not too surprising that it comes at a more competitive price compared to others. If you're a potential customer looking to get an exact price, you'll have to contact sales directly. For some insight though, ChatGPT Team, which is a tier below Enterprise, charges a monthly bill of about $30 per user, and it's expected that Enterprise would cost considerably more than that.

ChatGPT Enterprise Uses

ChatGPT Enterprise isn't just a powerful AI tool; it's a customizable platform that can be extended with your business data, making it uniquely tailored to your organization's needs. This ability to integrate your proprietary information allows ChatGPT Enterprise to provide even more relevant and impactful solutions across various business functions. Let's explore how different departments can leverage this data-enhanced tool:

1. Marketing and Content Creation

Marketing teams can supercharge their efforts by integrating ChatGPT Enterprise with their customer data and marketing analytics:

  • Generate targeted campaign ideas based on your actual customer demographics and behavior data
  • Create personalized content that resonates with specific customer segments, using insights from your CRM
  • Analyze your brand's social media performance and customer feedback to identify trends and sentiment
  • Draft product descriptions and marketing copy that align perfectly with your brand voice and past successful campaigns

By feeding ChatGPT Enterprise with your marketing data, you create a tool that understands your brand and customers on a deeper level, leading to more effective and personalized marketing strategies.

2. Customer Service and Support

Elevate your customer service by integrating your product information and support history:

  • Develop chatbots that have in-depth knowledge of your specific products and services
  • Generate responses that take into account a customer's purchase history and previous interactions
  • Analyze your support tickets to identify recurring issues and suggest proactive solutions
  • Create a knowledge base that combines general best practices with your company's unique procedures

With access to your support data, ChatGPT Enterprise becomes a virtual support agent that knows your business inside and out, providing more accurate and helpful responses to customer inquiries.

3. Research and Development

R&D teams can accelerate innovation by incorporating your proprietary research and patent data:

  • Generate research questions and hypotheses based on your existing studies and product performance data
  • Analyze your patent portfolio and competitor landscapes to identify new opportunities for innovation
  • Assist in drafting technical documentation that's consistent with your previous research and development standards
  • Help interpret and summarize complex scientific papers in the context of your current research projects

By integrating your R&D data, ChatGPT Enterprise becomes a powerful assistant that can help drive innovation while staying aligned with your company's research focus and methodologies.

4. Sales and Business Development

Empower your sales team with a tool that understands your products, market, and sales history:

  • Craft personalized sales pitches using your product details and previous successful sales strategies
  • Analyze your sales data to identify patterns and suggest effective approaches for different customer types
  • Generate proposals and presentations that highlight the specific benefits of your products or services
  • Provide real-time information during sales calls, drawing from your entire product catalog and pricing structures

With access to your sales data and product information, ChatGPT Enterprise becomes a virtual sales assistant that can help close deals more effectively by leveraging your company's collective sales knowledge and experience.

By extending ChatGPT Enterprise with your business data, you transform it from a general-purpose AI tool into a powerful, customized solution that understands the nuances of your business. This integration allows for more accurate, relevant, and impactful outcomes across all departments.

Remember, while ChatGPT Enterprise can process and utilize your business data to provide enhanced capabilities, it maintains strict data privacy and security measures. Your proprietary information is used to improve the tool's performance for your organization only, and is not shared or used to train the general model.

The most effective implementations of ChatGPT Enterprise will be those that thoughtfully integrate AI capabilities with your unique business data, human expertise, and established processes. This combination can drive unprecedented levels of productivity, innovation, and competitive advantage in today's fast-paced business environment.

ChatGPT versus ChatGPT Enterprise

While both ChatGPT and ChatGPT Enterprise harness the power of advanced language AI, they're designed for different purposes and user bases. Here's a concise comparison:


  • Target Users: Individuals and small teams
  • Capabilities: Strong in general text generation and question-answering
  • Usage: Limited by caps and potential slowdowns during peak times
  • Data Privacy: Standard encryption and privacy measures
  • Customization: Limited to prompt engineering
  • Analysis Tools: Basic interpretation and analysis features

ChatGPT Enterprise

  • Target Users: Large organizations and corporations
  • Capabilities: Enhanced performance with GPT-4, tailored for business needs
  • Usage: Unlimited access with faster response times
  • Data Privacy: Enterprise-grade security with SOC 2 compliance, no training on business data
  • Customization: Can be extended with company data and integrated into existing workflows
  • Analysis Tools: Advanced data analysis (formerly Code Interpreter) for complex business tasks

Key Differences

  1. Scale and Speed: Enterprise offers unlimited, faster access to handle large-scale operations.
  2. Security: Enterprise provides heightened security measures crucial for sensitive business data.
  3. Customization: Enterprise can be tailored with proprietary data for company-specific solutions.
  4. Integration: Enterprise offers better tools for deployment across large organizations.
  5. Advanced Features: Enterprise includes more powerful analysis tools and larger context windows.

While ChatGPT is excellent for general use, ChatGPT Enterprise is built to meet the complex needs, security requirements, and scale of large organizations, offering a more powerful, customizable, and secure AI solution.

Alternative to ChatGPT Enterprise for Businesses

While ChatGPT Enterprise offers robust capabilities, it comes with a hefty price tag and user minimums that may only suit some organizations.

Luckily, you can fix that using Chatbase – a cost-effective alternative to ChatGPT enterprise for smaller teams.

Starting at just $19 per month, Chatbase provides API access to the same cutting-edge GPT-4 models, including GPT-4o, GPT-4o mini, and GPT-4 Turbo. Unlike ChatGPT Enterprise, which can run into thousands of dollars monthly for large teams, Chatbase offers flexibility without breaking the bank.

Chatbase simplifies the integration of ChatGPT with your business data, allowing you to easily create custom chatbots for HR, customer service, or any other need. While ChatGPT Enterprise's API can be technically challenging to implement, Chatbase provides user-friendly tools to build and deploy AI solutions tailored to your organization.

With SOC 2 compliance and pre-built tools at your fingertips, Chatbase offers enterprise-level security and functionality without enterprise-level complexity or cost. Whether you're looking to embed a chatbot on your website or create an internal AI assistant, Chatbase has you covered.

Don't just take our word for it – Sign up for a Chatbase account to see how your business can benefit from enterprise-level AI without the enterprise price tag.

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