How to Add a Chatbot to Your WordPress Website

Maxwell Timothy

Maxwell Timothy

on Apr 15, 2024

10 min read

AI chatbots can do a lot for your WordPress website. They can answer basic questions, guide visitors on performing certain tasks, or collect leads that can help you drive sales. You can also use them to automate repetitive tasks that you'd otherwise have to perform manually for every website visitor that comes along.

Depending on how you deploy it, an AI chatbot can bring both real value and that wow factor to your website and help make your visitors' experience more pleasant and memorable. It's no surprise that more and more websites are rapidly adopting chatbots as a tool to ease up their operations and drive efficiency on their websites.

Do you have a WordPress website and need to add an AI chatbot to it? We’ve got you covered. Let’s explore how you can add an AI to WordPress website and how to select the perfect option for your needs.

How to Choose the Best Chatbot for Your WordPress Website

There are dozens of AI chatbot platforms you can choose from whenever you've decided to add a chatbot to your WordPress website. Some offer the good old rule-based chatbots while some offer AI-powered chatbot solutions that are quite flexible and can take on a range of tasks. But it is often not just a debate between rule-based and AI-powered options, there a lot you need to take in consideration to pick out an AI chatbot that works for you.

But how do you make the right choice? Which AI chatbot is the best fit for your WordPress website?

Here are some key tips to consider when looking for an AI chatbot for your WordPress website:

1. Customization Options: Go for chatbot platforms that give you the freedom to extensively customize your chatbot's appearance and behavior. You need something that you can personalize to fit your website's branding and align with the goals you want to achieve. Things you’ll likely need to customize include the colors of the chatbot, brand images, and the style of the chatbot's responses.

2. Choose AI-powered Options: You’ll find different chatbot platforms that offer chatbots that are powered by a wide range of technologies. Some are rule-based, some use chatbot software that the platform provides while some offer AI-powered chatbots that use powerful artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. Unless you specifically need other options and know exactly what you want, AI-powered chatbots are the best choice. While we are not saying other options are bad, you’ll likely find great satisfaction with AI-powered alternatives. And don’t just settle for any AI-powered options, go for AI chatbots that are powered by AI models like GPT-4, GPT-3.5, or Claude 3. These are some of the best models in the market today and will make your chatbot smarter and more responsive.

3. Go for Scalable Chatbot Platforms: Scalability is very important for a lot of reasons. You need to be able to scale up and down depending on your requirements, and you may not always be able to predict this requirement ahead of time. You need something you can start with and scale later. You can maybe start with limited features and capacity and later scale up with a lot more features and capacity. That way you can perform a low-risk trial and if it doesn't work for you, you can easily switch. Lack of scalability can keep you locked in a platform that doesn't meet your needs.

4. Look Out for a Free Trial: No, it’s not a shameful thing to look out for. It’s a good sign when companies offer a free trial of their product. It means they have faith that you’ll love what you’ll see enough to pay for it. If you are not convinced of a chatbot platform, you need to be able to test the platform, its functionality, and its features before you commit.

5. Simpler Is Always Better: You’ll find a lot of chatbot platforms out there that are very complex. Yes, some of them are very advanced and can do a lot of things. They are packed with a lot of useful features, but what’s the point of having them if you can't use them? If you have to spend days to weeks or even months just learning how to use the chatbot platform, you might need to look for something simpler and more user-friendly. Chatbots can still have lots of features but retain their simplicity and ease of use.

6. Ease of Setup and Integration: It’s WordPress, you probably already have a lot of themes and plugin challenges to deal with, chatbots shouldn't be one of them. Go for a chatbot platform that makes the process of integration seamless. Press a few buttons and boom, you are done. You shouldn’t have to do a lot of configuring, or troubleshooting to get it fired up. You should be able to get it up and running in a few minutes. And yes, you shouldn't have to be a technical expert or know how to write code. Remember, simpler is typically better.

7. Multilingual: If you running a website, there’s a possibility that you are serving visitors from different parts of the world. The choice is simple, only cater for visitors that speak your language or open the door to any one that wants to use your site, irrespective of their native language. For the best experience for your website visitors, go for chatbot options that offer different languages. If you run a business that deals with foreign customers on your WordPress site, this could even be much more important.

So, which Chatbot platform can deliver these requirements? Is it even possible to find a chatbot platform that ticks all these boxes?

The Best Chatbot Platform For WordPress

Depending on your unique requirement, you’ll find many chatbot platforms that meet all or most of the requirements we discussed above, and fit right into your use case. If you are not sure of which platform to go with, we highly recommend checking out Chatbase.

Why choose Chatbase? Well, Chatbase ticks all the right boxes.

  • It is simple to set up and deploy on your WordPress site, you can get it up and running in a few minutes.
  • Chatbase offers a free trial you can use to try out the platform before you commit to a paid plan.
  • It is built with scalability in mind, you can start small and scale up to a bigger plan whenever you need more capacity or features.
  • Chatbase is multilingual and supports up to 80 global languages.
  • Chatbase is powered by some of the most advanced AI models in the industry. It is powered by OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 series of AI models.
  • It has a wide range of customization options for you to build chatbots that fit your brand and business needs.
  • Chatbase chatbots are very easy to use, no complex features to learn, everything is designed to keep running the chatbot as simple as possible.

What happens if you choose Chatbase as preferred chatbot for Wordpress? What can you do with Chatbase chatbots on your WordPress website?

The possibilities are endless. Chatbase chatbots are AI powered which means you can train them to do a variety of tasks. You can:

  • Use Chatbase as a customer support chatbot
  • Use Chatbase as a data collection tool
  • Use Chatbase to guide visitors on how to use your website
  • Use Chatbase to generate leads
  • Use Chatbase to onboard new users on your WordPress website
  • Use Chatbase to run polls on your WordPress website
  • Use Chatbase to automate your sales process
  • Use Chatbase to market your products or services

There are quite a lot you can do with Chatbase chatbots. It’s ultimately up to your needs and creativity.

How to Add AI Chatbot to WordPress Website

Ready to deploy Chatbase chatbots to your Wordpress website? Here are the steps to get you started:

Step 1: Sign Into Chatbase and Set Up Your Chatbot

To embed a Chatbase chatbot on your WordPress website, you’ll first need to set up and train the chatbot on the Chatbase platform. To do this:

1. Head to the Chatbase website and sign in to your account. If you don't have an account yet, you can sign up for a free account.

2. Once logged in, you should be redirected to the chatbot creation page. Follow the prompts to set up your new chatbot. You'll need to provide details such as the chatbot's name, and training data and make some customizations to align the chatbot with your goals.

If you are not sure how to set up and train an AI chatbot on Chatbase, we’ve made a step-by-step guide to setting up and training a Chatbase chatbot. This should take a few minutes to implement.

Step 2: Generate and Copy the Chatbot Embed Code

1. After setting up your Chatbase chatbot, go to the "My Chatbots" page and click on the chatbot you want to embed on your WordPress website.

2. On the chatbot's preview page, click the Embed on Site tab located at the top of the page.

3. Up next, click the Make Public button to generate the embed code for that particular chatbot.

4. A pop-up window should come up displaying the HTML embed code. Click the Copy Script button to copy the embed code.

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Step 3: Install and Activate the WPCode Plugin

An easy way to get any chatbot with an embed code set up on your WordPress website is using the WPCode wordpress plugin. It is free and easy to use. To deploy the plugin:

1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard by visiting

2. In the left sidebar, go to Plugins and then click Add New.

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3. Search for "WPCode" in the search bar on the page that comes up. Install and activate the WPCode plugin.

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4. After activation, locate the Code Snippets section in the left sidebar and click on it.

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5. Click on Header & Footer within the Code Snippets interface.

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6. Scroll down to the "Footer" textbox and paste the Chatbase chatbot embed code you copied earlier.

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7. Click Save Changes on the top right corner of the page to save the embed code.

8. Preview your WordPress website to see the Chatbase chatbot live. A floating Chatbase chatbot icon should come up on the bottom right corner of your webpage.

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There you go, your Chatbase chatbot is live and ready for use on your WordPress website.

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