
Chatbase agents can be configured to verify the identity of your users. This is done by hashing the user’s id with a secret key generated by Chatbase. The hashed value is then sent to us with custom action requests and is used to verify the user’s identity. If the user and the hash do not match, the user id will be removed from all custom action requests. You can also send additional metadata to the chatbot that can be used to personalize the chatbot experience.

Obtaining the User hash

  • The secret key is generated by Chatbase and is used to hash the user’s id. The secret key is available in the Chatbase dashboard under chatbot Connect > Embed > Embed code with identity.
  • Use the secret key to generate the user hash on the server.
const crypto = require("crypto");

const secret = "•••••••••"; // Your verification secret key
const userId = current_user.id; // A string UUID to identify your user

const hash = crypto.createHmac("sha256", secret).update(userId).digest("hex");
  • Send the user hash and optional metadata to Chatbase with the identify method.

How to Enable Identity Verification

There are two ways to enable identity verification:

  1. Using the embed code:

Add this before the chatbase script.

window.chatbaseUserConfig = {
    user_id: <USER_ID>,
    user_hash: <USER_HASH>, // this is the hash of the user_id, should be generated on the server
      user_metadata: {
        "name": "John Doe",
        "email": "john@example.com",
        "company": "Acme Inc",
        // Add any other relevant user information

Here is an example of what the code should look like:

  1. Using the SDK identify method: load the Chatbase script and call the identify method with the user’s properties and optional metadata.
window.chatbase("identify", {
  user_id: "1234567890",
  user_hash: "1234567890", // this is the hash of the user_id, should be generated on the server
  user_metadata: {
    "name": "John Doe",
    "email": "john@example.com",
    "company": "Acme Inc",
    // Add any other relevant user information

Allowed Properties

The identify method allows the following properties:

user_idThe id of the user, the only verified variable as it is verified using the user_hash.
user_hashThe hash of the user’s id.
user_metadataOptional object containing additional user information. This can include properties like name, email, company, or any other relevant data that you want to make available to your AI agent. Maximum 1000 characters total for all metadata fields combined. Exceeding this limit will result in the metadata being truncated. It’s strictly used as context to the AI Agent (equivalent to a user message)“

Mismatched User ID and User Hash

If the user id and user hash do not match, the user id will be removed from all custom actions api requests.

Calling identify multiple times

Calling identify multiple times will overwrite the previous properties.